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Hailey is Home

Posted on September 4, 2024

Hailey is Home:

Paula and Hailey moved into their new Habitat home nearly a year ago, and we were fortunate to catch up with them to hear about how their lives have transformed since the move. Their previous home lacked the essential accessibility features Hailey needed, like central AC, reliable outlets for her medical equipment, and wheelchair-accessible doors and rooms. These challenges made daily life tough for Hailey and her mom, Paula. 

Their new home was part of the 2023 Rock the Block in Chilton, where creating a functional and comfortable space for Paula and Hailey was the top priority. The house features large rooms that provide Hailey with easy mobility, ample storage, wide doorways, expansive windows, a threshold ramp through the garage entrance, a spacious bathroom, and an attached garage—just a few of their favorite features that have made a big difference. Specialized equipment was also installed in Hailey’s room which allows for smooth transitions between her bedroom and bathroom, further enhancing the home’s long-term benefits for this family.  

Paula appreciates all the accessibility features that make life easier for her daughter, she also has a special fondness for her dishwasher. Gifted by a friend, Paula was initially reluctant to accept it, as she had no trouble doing the dishes by hand and knew dishwashers can be expensive. However, her friend insisted, eventually persuading Paula to accept the gift. The dishwasher has proven to be a wonderful addition, helping Paula manage household tasks more efficiently. This meaningful gesture is another example of how the community and family have come together as a village to support both Paula and Hailey. 

In their new home, Paula and Hailey have found a place where they can enjoy life together. Hailey, known as the “cookie queen,” loves spending time in the kitchen mixing ingredients and creating sweet treats. Paula grew up in the Chilton area, and many of her friends and family are within a 10-mile radius, so their home has become the heart of family gatherings. It’s a perfect deal because Hailey loves visitors! Paula and Hailey also enjoy sitting in the garage, watching the cars pass by or simply taking in the rain or snow. Their neighbors are wonderful, often stopping by to say hello when Paula and Hailey are outside relaxing or taking walks through the neighborhood. One neighbor even helps them out with mowing the lawn and snow removal. Hailey also loves sitting by the large windows and watching the playful squirrels outside. She especially enjoys playing with bubbles with her cousins, making their new home a place filled with joy and laughter.

“We’re excited to spend more years here living comfortably,” Paula shared. “Hailey can continue to grow, and we have plenty of space for that. The wider doorways and other features are all set up for wheelchair use, so it’s perfect for us.”

Paula has plans to add another bathroom in the basement to accommodate family gatherings and hopes to create a patio in the backyard for them to enjoy nature even more. They are also eagerly awaiting a wheelchair-accessible swing that the Chilton High School is building for Hailey, which will be an exciting addition to their yard. 

As we discussed their bright future, Paula also reflected on their experience with Habitat nearly a year ago. Her favorite memory? “Seeing all the people come together to help build the house, making those connections with everyone from Habitat and the Senior Crew, and just how everyone was willing to help.”  

Paula and Hailey’s home is more than just a house—it’s a forever home where they can thrive, surrounded by love, community and family.  To learn how you can continue to support Fox Cities Habitat’s mission, please visit our volunteer or donate pages. For more information on how to apply, please visit our homebuyer page.

May 2023- Press Release
June 2023- Paula and Hailey with the Senior Crew